Friday, September 19

Brett get a costume on we're leaving!!

So I haven't been keeping up as of late. I have been looking for a new job that's why but hey. I have been having some weird dreams lately. Heres one:

It takes place here in the small town of lebanon. Tristan had just left for Indiana and he had order 5,000 lbs. of popped popcorn. We were so mad at him because we had no place for this massive amount of corn. So we put it in a basket ball court and ran aroung inside it and ate the buttery corn. Then I started to run around on my hands and chase people with mouthfuls of corn. I soon there after woke up.

So Tristan if you ever order 5,000 lbs. of popcorn I KILL you. right.

I am looking for jobs and appartments down in the Ashland area. I am hoping to be moving down to that area within the next couple of months .

Oh shit FUturama is on I have to go see this shit. It's the one where Bender grows a civilization on his ass.

" Viagra 8 is that a racing game?"