Monday, May 24

Oh the Time that was had

Hey to you that are now reading in this way.

I have the time and you have the rail gun let us play the game.

I have been so busy and tired that this is the real first time that I have been able to actually sit down and write something that invelve the word Plagnight.

We had a bit of an emergency the other day. Archie (Linds bird) Fell and broke a few blood feathers so it was bleeding to death and so we had to take it to the vet and get it fixed up. It cost 96 dollars out of my pocket cuz Linds didn't have the money at the time. She is paying me back all is good.

I am going to look for a house down here so we all can just live in a house and split it all up and not pay the huge others. Brett

Work going and so am I.

Never eat late and get a hug by the orphan man that talks to rocks.

Witnessed and old lady just about kill 2 people with her car and then run into the cross walk sign and total the car.

I will have a puter soon so e-mail will happen.

Brett and stuff .