Thursday, January 29

News on the button

I have seen the movie and I liked it very much that was big fish.

This will be the greatest thing to come to the nex-gen system since all the other games suck on The Mega Man Collection.

having fun? I haven't heard anything from You guys.

All these Microgames and nowhere to go. How small will these games get. Wario Ware. great but is the future of games in danger?

This new system is rumoroed to be a portable two screened wonder. Nintendo is in way over thier head if they think that is a good idea. How many people do you know that have a link cable for thie PS1. And even if they do How often do they even use it?

Two screens means too uch trouble. I predict it. Me my own.

Return of the King better a second time? You be the judge. Big screen means bigger opportunity to show off sloppy blue screen.

Great movie don't get it wrong my friends this movie will be part of YOUR collection.

So it will be. I will leave you with that to ponder.