Tuesday, February 24

So it is

What has happened to Stikfas?

Fad or not advertised?

Mardi Gras.

Hoopla I say is in the works.

Still working I am.

Short and sweet?

My next weekend I want to go to the coast.

It will happen.

Hi T.

Hey B.

Buy an A

Sunday, February 22

News from the ews

Guess what?

Linds has a BLOG! Check out the latest on the news form her!

It's over to the side.


She also has found a room in Ashland and will be leaving in about 3-4 weeks.

Yeah for her.

She will live 2 blocks from campus and 4 blocks from Tamy.

I am going to shit a brick.

How is everyone I don't know?