Friday, October 28

token giants eat face

finnaly I have come to eat face. Today is the day we tumble into the giant ink stack that is the fairy god mother of soul. I have the trouble eyes and in them are the final destiny of all mankind. Thrive hav4e I stood tto believe the nasty smell of rotting flesh in with the lettuce that I grew last month and the celery that your mom gave us. The newest of the favorite donuts is the fabulous Cramler. walk into your nearest bakery and say " i'll have a Cramler". They will be suprised that you know that this donut even exists. I now know that some bakerys don't even make the Cramler. I love the Cramler with it's gooey and crunch the slightest of apple and tha cinnamon that tickles the noise. Even the dog can't say enough about this amazing culinary invention.

The last day of his life.