Wednesday, November 16

The total cranberry

He is sleeping in his hammock and the mice crawl under his body following his heavy body to the swaying of the ship. The rain is coming down and as you know mice don't like to get wet. They simply find the dry place and stay until the rain has subsided. This trip has been interesting. I met an old friend in a series of crazy happenstances, and so we embarked on an adventure like no other. we traveled through the cold, intense rain, darkness, and awkward conversation. When the journey finaly ended we had come to a place that I was unfamiliar with. Filled with light and warmth our bodies felt light as a feather. A nirvana of sorts and in this land if you will we found a small building filled with boxes. Not a single soul in the house. SO we each took one box and packed it away in our packs and traversed the dangerous road home again. Carefull no to open either of the boxes on the journey home. Oh it was tempting I tell you. Anyway once home we exchanged the boxes and opened them. What we found was and still is amazing, words cannot describe what each of us had brought back with us.

To find your box simply search your heart for the map to the land filled with light and warmth. It's in you. Or I guess you could just buy a map from that guy on the corner you know the one with the big hairy coat.

Tuesday, November 15

Angler fish unite

To keep it in the reel the fish simply flies.

So in the news today. I traveled the lands once again and found many new and useful things on my travels. The weekend travel was long and tiring. Worth every second I spent though. I grew fond of my surroundings. Reunited with long lost friends and partook in drinking games and cracker eating contests. Owls and Jack rabbits were of the topic and many had coats. They fought in the ring of death. No one really died but it was like watching an Ewok fight a robot Jack Nichlson. Amusing but you know how it was going to end. First Mate B has his book in publishings. Great job B.

Oh and yes since it just came to my mind Happy Birthday B even though it was last Month.

And hes happy birthday to T if you are reading this it means you are still alive. I personally think you are dead and laying in some old abandonded shaft.

Here is something I found it is yours to see but mine to have in me. A real life mandolin