Thursday, November 6

No one will ever know

It's been some time since my last entry now hasn't it. Here is an update on the condition of the frog I found. It is fine.

I am working on my RPG. I just bought some tools to help it along. Turston I hope you don't mind but burping and farting will be some of your primary fighting techniques. I personally think it to be great.

Went to the Salem yesterday. Bought Lupin movie. got free key chain with it. Yippy!!

In the spirit of the coming holiday's I would like to say:

"I can't believe it".
I will tell you a story. There was a man that thought it was all for the crazies. He was right. But the fact of the matter is that we are all a bit crazy. It's just that some of us want to share that craziness with others. So enjoy that craziness. Pass that stuff on to the people. It may seem strange but the will be happier about it later.

Don't forget to...........................................................................................................