Friday, August 22

Few Random Comments

I wrote a complaint letter today to some Shitty Canadian Website that shipped my game that I payed for about a month and a half ago so Screw them.

I saw Talia or Tlia or Telia however you spell her name. Anyway I sawhe the other day She is really pregnant. I didn't talk to her cuz I was working and she was outside.

my cool shoes that I ordered on Monday will be here today or tomorrow. And I will be going to see Pirates of the Carribean for the 3rd time on monday with Wes.

I watched The Two towers just about 10 minutes ago. Still a great movie. Can't wait till the extended edition comes out.

Thursday, August 21

two dead people

So Linds and I went to this Roller Skating Theme park. They also had rock climbing and a zoo which was more likewalking through the jungle wilderness. Any way there was absolutely nothing to do there. So after about an hour we decided to leave and drove home. The next day on the news there was a story about two people that had died at the park the day before. Martha (Lindsays' mom) called me and said that Linds was still up there and she was worried it might have been her. So even though I had taken her home the night before I took off and sped my way up the narrow road that we had drove the day before payed the outrageous fee to enter but before I could step foot inside the park she had come walking out. I said I'll take my money back and the man gave me a hundred I said I gave you a twenty so he exchanged the bills. Linds got into my car and once again I drove her home.

Wednesday, August 20

I can't believe it's not Butter

Today is Lindsay and mines 3 year Andrewversary. We saw a movie in wich a little 8 year old girl sitting two rows back explained the whole plot and character profile to her very annoyed friend who just wanted to watch the movie. Then she decided they needed to move because the big infront of them (ME) was blocking the view. After that some pirates attacked. When the pirates had finished and the credits had started to roll we left to go eat. We ate at Mcgraths where a family spilled beer all over their table. HA. (Sarcasm). The food was great. then we drove.....well I drove home.

I had more but I am tired and dumb so I will say "Goodnight neighborhood friends". And till next time the is Simian Marks. God mode

I got it yeah. Our tree outside our house caught fire about 3 weeks ago while we were out on the town. The whole one side of the tree is now toast. Then just yesterday our dog wood in the front yard just sort of fell apart. You heard me fell apart. Exciting huh. And on top of that I saw a huge ass. Just kidding it was a huge ass bug about the size of................well 4 inchs long with long skinny legs any how. looked like a beetle but wasn't one of them long horn beetle thats fer sure. Ah hell I don't know anyhow.

This time its real!!!

Tuesday, August 19

Captians Log

I have only one thing to report today and that is a story.

Yesterday on my way to the local Wal-Mart (Lindsay was driving) I saw something scary and funny something I thought only happened in movies.
As we drove by Texaco I heard men yelling. "WHOA....WHOA....STOP.....HEY!!!"
I looked out the window thinking they were yelling at me . But to my suprise I saw a huge SUV driving out of the gas station with the nossle still pumping gas into the tank. After the nossle had hit the ground the SUV stpped. I couldn't see what happened next as we were already past Bings and on our way to Wal-mart

Sunday, August 17

Captains Log

Last night at approximately 4:13 A.M. I awoke to the sound of a gun shot or an explosion. With in minutes there were sirens coming from all directions. I lay in bed wondering what had happened. The loud noise was only a block or two from were I lay. Within 15 minutes the whole ordeal was over. So with sirens leaving the area I fell to slumber.

My cat had gotten out and ran down the street I chased him and after catching him I asked "Why do you always try to get out"? He answered "I need to be free". I was shocked that my cat was speaking to me. He then metomorphisized into a small yellow alien like creature looking like The Cheat from he proceeded to tell me his life was coming to an end and soon there after died in my arms. I cried so hard that I crumbed to the floor unable to stand.

These stories are true. Or are the? Or maybe just one is. You decide.