Wednesday, July 6

Blogging in or blogging out?

I've have been so busy and stuff that the blog has taken this back seat that hangs form the nose of a catapillar. Now it's been a month and some days are like zombies eating the flesh of a inept goat that lost his footing and slid down the hill only to hind his leg was broken.
I have many things to do today and the pinchwhistle is just the first. So ok let us get to business in the western way of writing left to right and not the right to left upside down or evenly. I recently decided that Capn' A and I should take a brief journey into the woods without his flying machine. I will have make the rest up because I am Capn' A and not the maid you so desperately need. I know that you used to be big into the pop scene but now all you do is sit around and eat cocoa pebbles and drink yoohoo. but for the rest of the incandescent creatures that I have come to call friends and even teach the finer points of artillery making to. So I digress I must go to the fine woods of Repsondo where I plan to drag a dead body into the cave of Duty. The dead body of what you ask. Whatever I can eat. May it be a bird the size of you head or asmall rodent name Crendl. It will be the beginning of the first war against rodent Weenies.

Keep on with all that oyu might see because the future you might just need that cardagon.

Keep it simple