Tuesday, May 17

Old English isn't just for drinking

I Capn A have just completed a beautiful flying machine that will indeed take me around the US of the A in style. The machine is like none other. a head a tail and something that resembles a Wooldin Bird. I have tested the flightless craft several times. It flies like a dream though she does get a little noisiy when the cat bus arrives late.

Inside you will find something you might enjoy eating like marshmallows otr a jelly bean the size of a kidney bean. but have no fear my friends I will likely just take the tube to the mall. The mall of greek ridings. not writings mind you but ridings. There is no finer place to have a ride. The worms have the best kind of drinks but don't take it from the mind of this old sky captian.

I have recently met up with a certian other Captian. One by the name of Cappy.......Cappy Wormslide. He has taught me so many things and I have stolen so many things from him. He is like my father but in a more bird-dog kind of way. Sleep sleep. no swallow.

We I must be off for now. Don't you think I know about your secrets TK.