Friday, June 15

Back from the dead and kicking ass

So I have returned from the mystic island of the future with tidings and a new found respect for the dead for I was dead but brought back by some voodoo lady wearing a pik hat and nylons saying give me 25 dollors or I'll throw your pants away.

Thursday, September 21


I've found an intersting tid bit

Tuesday, September 12

The last voyage of Capn A

Today marks a special day in the life of me Capn A. I will be taking a highly dangerous and epic adventure in the matter of two weeks. To most of you that means very little and to some a lot. This old Capn is taking his final voyage. If successful I will be at peace with the world and be ablt to rest these bones on an isle for from hustling and bustling. If any other end is to come it will certainly be gruesome.

To better prepar the crew and myself we have been running drills to condition ourselves. supplies have been ordered and most will have arrived by the end of this report. All repairs have been made to our vessel and our ship looks the best she ever has. New weaponary has been ordered for this mission and since it will be her last voyage we must take caution that our calculations are precise.

Stay tuned for the final postings of Capn A.

Sunday, September 3

Interesting truths divide

Keeping this a ongoing process is the most of time. whil I have the truth divided in my mind the cat plays with his ball. Fishing for the elusive fish call truth keeps you interested in the findings they my have found in the past but what will you do when the fish is caught? Keepinf the truth hidden from those you love is something that most of us do for fun but not in the league. Always sending mail into the path of the flying trundle bed. How is it in our community one person has all the power to keep the hand open and immune to the thorns of disease. Trapping the believers into a false sense of sollitude, making the false true. Moving boxes of time and sand from the past is work indeed. sifting through the most and keepingonly the things you can stand. going outside can be tiring. why the i-pod? It has the mop and has the great sound of trees wooshing. I like to have the monster in the closet. He likes the dark and I like not looking into the smalls of his eyes. Crumbs on his chest rise and fall with every breathe. Even tho most intense of looks are evaporated in his path the smell of fear is in the air and he can taste the passion with in your heart. keeping the smile might be hard but why would you fade away into the dark senses of the makers. I would shout to the stars in her name if they would keep into the past. Sneeze! I don't plan on changing and don't count on Dooku to save the raisins for you cuz eats them first. Trail mix is the secret desire of all. Creeping into a bedroom and shouting! Fun things to do when the roommate sleeps eagerly waiting for the president.

Out in the open the seal sings his song.

Tuesday, July 18

have it writing in the whale

So my good people you would like to know where I have been.

Trapped on a tropical island in the mid atlanitc. yes an island in the Atlantic. Small and lush with a few othe strange creatures. This gives me time to build contraptions that would blow your mind out of the whale that I have been sitting in for the past few days.

crazy moles that which the eye has never seen. Great mamoth creatures made of fur and eight legged dogs that carry there young in the trenches of their mothes. copper head sharks that eat seaweed and cradle robbing tucans that follow their nose to your babies. silence now that the sea is angry I have not time to explain the mystery within this whale but the treasure is sweet.

Sunday, May 28

A time for the right side of the worm

Inside the ring we all sit waiting for the ride to start, quietly we start to spin.

Capn A here kids to update you on the travels of this salty ol' dog. It has come to my attention that we have all fallen and slipped a bit as of late. Most of us forget about how we got here in the first place. I say we must remember that those flight attendents that fuel my plane are OK and that the crocodiles that we all eat are inside the world of use. It was justthis last time that we all ate form the belly of the beast and crept into the smaller cave of Danger. I saw her eye and it wazs red with anger and fury. The furry animals of the island can smell the salty breathe of the sea witch and she was strong enough to blow me off te face of the world and into the outer reaches of space.

Tie your shoes small one.

Tuesday, May 2

Yogurt makes the best Sandwiches

Anger fills my soul.
I hate the way people treat others
We all care about number one
Who cares what YOUR thinking
It fills my soul with anger

I was going to right something serious oday because I'm in a bad mood but instead I will right wha I love. Craziness.

Kim and I got the talking to by a lady in a care cuz we where tailgating her. a bit scaring but she left her kids in the car by themselves to yell at us. Who was the real idiot?

The heat is all around us and the time has come for basket ball, flowers and knee surgery.

I must sat thank you to whoever commented on the last blog entry. It's nice to know that someone doesnt' use the phone like a memory card.

Trapping crabs in the ocean is like watching 2 seals climb ladders. Pointless but fun to watch. And when it's all said and done you feel you just spent a good couple hours doing something worth while.

Enjoy your lemonade before the moths do.